I haven’t forgotten about the blog. I had my wisdom teeth taken out this morning so I don’t really feel like doing anything. As I feel better, I will start writing stuff here.
Last Day in Russia
Today I took a train to St. Petersburg. I left around 8am and arrived around 11:30am. I took a taxi to the hotel, but since check-in was not until 2pm, I left my bags and walked around the city. ...
Last Day in Novgorod
Yesterday was my last day of work. Other than that, all I did was buy a few gifts for people. Today is my last full day in Novgorod. Unfortunately for me, this trip has almost come to an end. It s...
August 15
Sorry for not posting as often as before, I have been quite busy over the last few days. I spent some time yesterday getting my reservation for a hotel in St. Petersburg. I will go there Saturday m...
Less Work
Today I showed up to work only to find out there was no new group of students. I was really looking forward to meeting new people. Since only the supervisors and the locals were there, we didn’t do...
Last Full Sunday
Today I woke up fairly early, even thought I went to bed late. I spent some time on the computer while the rest of the family woke up. I didn’t really do anything interesting. I listened to music, ...
Dinner with Family
Yesterday I set my alarm to turn on at 8am because on Saturday work starts at 10am. At 7:30am I was woken up my my host mother telling me I was going to miss work. Apparently she didn’t hear me whe...
Today we found some interesting artifacts at the archaeological dig. I found some sort of carved wood thing, we didn’t know what it was, but they said it was important. One of my digging partners ...
Stupid Fish
Yesterday was not very eventful, except for the stupid fish. I was going through the dirt (wearing my dish washing gloves) and felt a sharp sting on one finger. It ends up that a sharp fish bone br...
Rain = No Work
So it rained a lot on Saturday… It was sunny on Sunday and today. I arrived to work around 8:30am and saw several puddles on the ground. I figured that was nothing and waited for the rest of the pe...