Alvaro's Blog


June 24th One partof the lake. There are tons of lakes in Finland. Lake Suolijärvi is nearest to where I live. Several international ...

First Week in Tampere

May 29th and 30th I didn’t do much my first weekend in Tampere. I purchased basic things like cleaning and kitchen supplies, along with bed sheets and a towel. I also bought a SIM card for my cell...

Getting to Finland

Wednesday May 26th My trip began in Rochester, NY. I woke up early and finished packing. My housemate drove me to the airport early to catch my 10am flight. I arrived to JFK airport in NYC around ...

Out of Order

I am currently living in the city of Tampere in Finland. Last year I spent the Summer working in Switzerland and thoroughly enjoyed it....


So I skipped a few days. I’ll get the hang of this eventually… So today I “helped” the Students Innovating Technology group with a new hydroponics system. I say “helped” because I mostly just took...

Still Cold

I woke up this morning to a room temperature of 10C (50F). I think the someone turned off the house heater. Either way, I was not prepared for that. I need to get my thicker bed sheets. I didn’t t...


I woke up this morning to see my car covered with some snow, along with most houses around the area. This is not usual for May 9th. Here’s a picture while it was still snowing. ...

Mmm Food

Today some friends came over to have some pão de queijo, quesadillas, and other stuff. It was a lot of fun. I went to the Rochester Public Market around 7am to get some fresh fruit, which we finish...

Residence Permit

passport Today I finally received my passport with my residence permit, or oleskelulupa uppehållstillstånd as they call it, from Finland...

Uneventful Day

My sinus infection hasn’t gone away. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I think I will find out whether or not I can go to Europe for the summer.In the meantime, here is a picture from outside my win...