Uneventful Day

- 1 min read

My sinus infection hasn’t gone away. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I think I will find out whether or not I can go to Europe for the summer.
In the meantime, here is a picture from outside my window late in the day.

Contemporary Music

- 1 min read

So today I had my first encounter with contemporary (1900-now) music. It was pretty cool. I have never heard music like that, it was just piano, violin, and one song with a cello. Here’s a picture from my walk back to the car:

In other news, my sinus infection is back… I hope these antibiotics do their job quickly.

Helicopter Ride

- 1 min read


So after lunch today, we heard a helicopter flying overhead. I was told that it was the USMC doing flights if you did 10+ pull-ups. I decided to head over since I had never been in a helicopter before. When I arrived, they told me that anyone can take a ride, but if you can do at least 15 pull ups, you get to skip the (very long) line.

Remote Camera Trigger

- 3 mins read

I made a remote trigger using an MCT6 Optocoupler, some buttons, LED’s, and 2.5mm stereo jack.
This will hopefully be able to connect to a microcontroller to take pictures at set intervals. By using the 2.5mm connector, this device should also work with the Canon EOS DSLR cameras. (Which I don’t have, but I’ll find one to test this on…)

Here are some details…

Opening the HP camera was more complicated than I expected. I had to remove about 15 screws, disconnect several ribbon-cables, and use more force than I am comfortable with with circuit boards. Eventually I got to the shutter button.

I'm Back!

- 1 min read

It seems that I am not very good at updating this thing unless I am traveling.

I found a summer job in Switzerland, so I will again write about my life over there. I hope it will be interesting…

But before I get there, I need to get my work visa. After many weeks of waiting, I received my approval letter yesterday. Unfortunately the visa is in the consulate in Atlanta, and I am in Rochester. I am aware that I can mail my passport in and get it back, the problem is that I don’t know where or to whom. Another problem is that the consulate is closed for holiday both today and on Monday. My flight is scheduled for next Friday, so I have some time. I just hope everything goes to plan.

It's been almost a year...

- 2 mins read

…since I started this blog. The first post here is from May 11, 2007.

I seem to be bored right now (as usual) so that’s why I’m writing here. Whoever knows me well enough knows that I spend most of my time being bored. I always have homework to do, but I never feel like doing it. My brain sort of stops working in the afternoon, so I can’t really do much homework.

About this...

- 1 min read

It’s almost been a year since I set up this blog. I kind of stopped writing after I arrived from Russia. So far I have mostly been doing schoolwork and things like that. I did work on a fun little project though, I think I will write about how it all came to be later. Here is a picture of the end result:

Aside from that, nothing of much interest has happened.

Mobile Test Post

- 1 min read

This is posting straight from my phone!

I hope it works…. And a picture too!


- 2 mins read

Ok…. So I haven’t written in a while.

I’m not too sad though. I don’t think I have ever done all of my homework until now. I hope I can keep it up for the next 8 weeks. The most amazing part (at least to me) is that most of those homeworks are not being collected or graded. It was very hard to do some of them, since I had no idea how to do the math, it was frustrating. I started only doing a little homework each day and it ended up working. I have also been watching movies and random things like that.

First Days of School

- 2 mins read

Yesterday (Monday) was not too bad. I started by going to Physics class at 8am. I then got back to the apartment to figure out what I had or didn’t have. I went to WalMart to buy some food and other things, then to OfficeMax to buy some more stuff. I tried to hurry because I thought I had my kayaking class at 4pm. I showed up a few minutes early, no one was there. After a while, I decided to check online to see if there had been any notes about the class posted after I last checked. There were. The class doesn’t start until September 21st…