5 Days Left

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On Wednesday I went to get my allergy shots around 12pm then to return some stuff at Circuit City. Later, I went to see the movie Day Watch, which I really enjoyed, maybe I’ll put a summary later. At night I went to a friends house. We went to get some ice cream and then went back to her house and hung out until around 1am.

Yesterday (Thursday), I woke up around 8:30, even though my alarm was set for 9am. Some friends came over around 9am and we went to Dolphin Mall. I bought a jacket so I have some protection from the rain when I need it. I used to have a waterproof jacket, but for reasons I don’t fully understand, my mom somehow broke it, so a new one was needed. After buying that, we went bowling. I had not bowled in at least a year and a half. My first game was pretty bad, I think I got around 84 points. After I got the hang of it, I got 147 on the second game. After that I realized that my shoulder still doesn’t like me and today it’s being annoying and hurting. A little over a year ago, I tore two ligaments on my shoulder snowboarding, I don’t think it ever fully recovered. Last night I watched two soccer games. Canada(1) vs. USA(2) and Mexico(1) vs. Guadeloupe(0). Both games were ok, but in the USA vs. Canada, I got really upset. Canada scored a goal to tie the USA 2-2, but one of the refs said it was offside. The replays clearly showed it was a legal play, but the ref didn’t think so. It didn’t mean Canada would have won, but at least it would have given them a chance. The Gold Cup final is Mexico vs. USA, that’s going to be interesting.

One Week Left!

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So Saturday was in fact fun. I went to the movies with a few friends and watched Oceans 13. I had already seen it, but this is one of the movies that the second time makes much more sense. After that we all went to my house, a few more people arrived that had not gone to the movies. We played some board games, card games, and ate pizza. Around 2am they left, and I stayed up a little and called my parents around 2:30am. I figured since it was 8:30am in Germany, they would be awake. My dad was, and my mom had just started waking up, so it worked out nicely.

On, Wednesday my parents left for their trip around Europe. After taking them to the airport around 10, I went to get my allergy shots. It ended up taking about an hour, but I had nothing better to do at the time. After I got home, my friend called me to tell me we were meeting in Dadeland mall. I met her there, had lunch and hung out for a few hours. I hate malls, but I enjoy hanging out with friends so much, I don’t mind them[the malls].

Long(?) Update

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So I haven’t posted since Friday, well it was technically Saturday, but whatever. On Saturday I was going to go to a friends house to dinner with my family. They live in Miramar, which is almost an hour drive from my house. Since it was a far drive anyway, we [my family] decided to leave early and go to Sawgrass Mall to get some clothes. There are a bunch of outlet stores, so it is a good place to shop, but it is also the 2nd most visited place in Florida next to Magic Kingdom. I hate shopping, but I have to do it every once in a while in order to have clothes! After a few hours there, we went to our friends house and had an amazing Italian dinner. Around 12:00am we headed back home.

Quick summary of the week.

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On Tuesday I went to get my wisdom teeth extraction evaluation. Looks like I have one of the worst cases, my wisdom teeth are so badly positioned that taking them out risks permanent nerve damage and/or sinus damage. It gets better, my surgery is going to be the day after I get back from Russia! Nothing says welcome back better than a morning surgery.

On Wednesday I went to get the rest of my allergy tests. Turns out I’m allergic to all kinds of grass and weeds. Thankfully though, I am not allergic to any type of food. I don’t remember anything else from Tuesday…


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Again, I cannot come up with an intelligent title…

I think I stayed home most of the morning, I went to Best Buy to get a gift card for a friend and then came back home. I’m sure I did something interesting, but I don’t really remember. I ordered the developer toolkit for Windows Mobile 6 (The operating system my phone uses), maybe I’ll be able to make some useful program with it. I just need an idea of what to do, I wish I was creative.

First Week of Summer (Part 3 of 3)

- 3 mins read

So yesterday marked one week of me being in Miami. So far it’s been fun (except for the doctors and stuff) but it looks like it will get better.
Friday was a lot of fun. I found out a friend was leaving Miami on Sunday and thought it would be nice to go get dinner or watch a movie with her and some friends. I started talking to people around mid day and by 7pm we started arriving to Panera’s at Sunset Place. I don’t think any of us knew there was a Paneras there, but somehow I found it online and convinced them it existed. The plan was to eat dinner there and watch Knocked Up at 8:30. About nine people ended up there, which was awesome, we sat there talking until about 9pm, we considered going to the 9:30 show, but it was sold out. Three people had to leave, the rest of us went to a friends house and watched the movie Inside Man, which [in my opinion] is really good (and confusing until the end.)

First Week of Summer (Part 2 of ?)

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So today was an interesting day. In the morning I went to the Mexican consulate to get some papers for my cousin. She needs to transfer her courses taken here in the USA so they accept them in Mexico. When I got there (after 15 minutes of looking for a place to park.) the doors were closed, and there was like fifty people waiting outside. Apparently they lock the doors and only let people in every hour (That’s how crowded it gets.) Fortunately I knew the name of the person I was looking for and someone told me to go to his office on the other building. Apparently the other part of the consulate (where the actual Consul works) is on the third floor of the building next to the crowded place where everyone goes. The office of the man I was looking for was next to the Consuls. I got the paper and went home.

First Week of Summer (Part 1 of ?)

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Well, the first week of summer isn’t quite over yet, but I needed to come up with a title for the post.

On Monday I went diving with dad and brother off the coast of Key Largo, it was awesome. I forget who it was, but someone asked me if I saw sharks last time I went diving. Now I can say I have, it was only a nurse shark, which is probably the least aggressive and dangerous, but whatever… I’ll put up a picture when I get it developed.
Tuesday was dentist day in the morning followed by a doctors appointment. The doctor told me to go to an allergy doctor and somehow I miraculously got an appointment for today.
The doctor said they need to run some tests to see what I’m allergic to, so they did. If anyone is reading this (doubtful) and doesn’t like needles, don’t ever get tested for allergies. My arms when through what is equivalent to 50 mosquito bites (Some swell up more than others) later followed by 28 shots on the arm (just to make sure there were no false negatives.) The worst part is that I had to sit there and not move (scratch) for ten minutes. That was not very fun. The results said that I am highly allergic to cats and dust mites. I am also allergic to dogs, feathers, other animals, etc… Then they told me I need to come back next week for the second round of tests (food and pollen allergies.) Oh yeah, I also have to go twice a week to get allergy shots, this is looking like my best summer ever.
After the fun morning I went to Monty’s with a few friends, that was (actually) fun.

One Down, Four to Go!

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My first year of college is officially over. This last week of finals was probably one of the worst I have had. Not because of the actual exams, but because my body decided to wake up extremely early and not fall asleep until very late. On Tuesday, I woke up nice and early at 5:30am, I took my exam, and then around 2pm or so (I don’t quite remember.) I took a two hour nap. As you probably don’t know, I don’t work well with naps, I usually feel worse after I wake up. Unfortunately, after that nap, I didn’t fall asleep until around 2am. I had an exam at 10am the next morning, so I was up around 7am, again, not by choice. I somehow managed to take my physics exam without falling asleep and later made my formula sheet for the math exam on Thursday.