I'm Back

Ok, so I finally have some time to write this thing. I realize that if I try to write what happened the last two weeks in detail, I will never finish, so here’s a quick summary.

My flight back from Russia was not too bad. I was awake for like 24 hours straight, so it wasn’t fun. I arrived home about 11:30pm on Sunday night.

On Tuesday morning I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I was pretty miserable for the first two days, but after that, it was fine. By Friday I was eating sushi and other strange things.

I hung out with friends almost every day and packed everything on Tuesday.

Wednesday morning around 6am, me and my dad left Miami in the car to go to North Carolina. We arrived around 7pm. The next morning at 6am, we left to Rochester, and arrived somewhere around 6pm. Friday and Saturday were spent driving around buying stuff, getting my car registered, and unpacking.

Today I finished setting everything in my room and took my dad to the airport around 4pm. I then went home and did a project that was due today about my trip in Russia, I almost forgot about it. After that, I called my friends from Kazakhstan and went to visit them at their new apartment. Only one of them was there with her boyfriend, so we ate some really good Kazakh food they cooked and later went bowling. It was a very fun night.

Tomorrow I will go get a much needed haircut and buy some of the last things I need for school.

#life   #travel